For some reason, you may need to reinitialize Lychee Slicer to revert the application to the same state as the first time you installed it on your computer.
When uninstalling the application, an important folder is left on purpose on your computer that stores preferences and data about the application. If you uninstall and reinstall the application, this data remains, and when relaunching the application, you will still have the same preferences and data available. It’s useful mainly when upgrading the application to a more recent version. But if something goes wrong, it can be problematic.
Please find below the instructions to remove these data and clear all of the preferences. We advise you to rename the temporary folder and not delete it. After restarting the slicer, you will have to log in with your account credentials, and the application will download from the cloud all your data.
Note: your support preset parameters (Light/Medium/Heavy) will be lost. If you can, export them before reinitializing Lychee Slicer.
**Windows:**1. if Lychee Slicer is open, please quit it or force quit it.2. open the Windows Start menu by clicking on the Windows icon on the bottom left of the Windows taskbar. An alternative is to type once on the keyboard key with the small Windows logo on it.3. type %appdata% in the search field then hit the Enter key on your keyboard.4. it should open a folder named “Roaming.”5. Search for the LycheeSlicer folder. You can either delete it or rename it to “LycheeSlicerBak”. We suggest renaming it. 6. You can start Lychee Slicer and then log in.
**Mac OS:**1. if Lychee Slicer is open, please quit it or force quit it.2. go to the folder /Users/XXXXX/Library/Application Support/ where X is your user name.3. Search for the LycheeSlicer folder. You can either delete it or rename it to “LycheeSlicerBak”. We suggest renaming it. 4. You can start Lychee Slicer and then log in.
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