10 – The truth about 90% of Failures

If you followed this guide to this point, you’re in a minority. A minority that took the time to calibrate your printer and obtain some knowledge.

However, far too often I see failures where nothing is printed but the supports. More often missing an arm, leg or another feature. The #1 advice I see given is.. can you guess? “Increase the exposure time!”

If you can print the supports or half of the object, why can’t you print the rest of the model?

If you’re under-exposed would you not just have a blob on the FEP?

While “Increasing the exposure time” will eventually work. At the cost of finer details and resin. There is another option, simply increase the support!

And it “can” be simple, you can do this in a few ways.

  1. Add supports
  2. Make the (structural) support tips a little larger. Normally 10% is more than enough. 
  3. A bit of both.

If you’re using Lychee Slicer, and you have the .lys or .slt file watch this video for a FAST and easy way on how to do this.

For everyone else, keep reading and I’ll go over how I support models to get success even when using the most difficult resins on the planet.

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